Should you hold out to get an offer from a cash buyer? Are they really the best option? Would you go to great lengths to ensure you could buy your next home with cash? Read this article to find out if cash is king in property sales.
Are you having to relocate for work? Often, relocation plans come somewhat out of the blue and can put you into an absolute tailspin as you try to figure out where you will live and what you will do with your old house, not to mention getting places in the schools for the kids. This article takes a quick look at what you can do to make this process smoother.
How do you decide on a new home that everyone in the family is head over heels in love with? How do you settle on a property that accommodates everyone's needs? Read this article to find out how to narrow your search to find the perfect new home for your family without any disagreements.
One of the biggest challenges first-time buyers (FTBs) face is getting a deposit together. Saving a large sum of cash while covering all your living expenses during a cost-of-living crisis is no mean feat.
This week’s lettings article looks at tenant trends over the past ten years – and what renters are looking for today.
In this quick article we look at the emotional triggers in the home buying process. Buying a home is not just a financial transaction.
If you’re wondering what Guppies are (and we’re not talking about fish here) and what they’ve got to do with the property sector, let us explain.
They’ve graced our TV screens for years and made millions buying and selling homes. But, like the rest of us, famous property gurus also make mistakes.
Do you have an empty property this winter? Perhaps you are trying to sell or rent it, and things are going slowly due to the cold, unwelcoming feeling that is creeping in as the winter progresses. This article shares the top tips for looking after an empty property through winter and what to do if you are trying to sell.
Before you put your home on the market this new year, make sure that you've mastered the art of conducting the perfect viewing to maximise your chances for a sale and great offers. Read this article to find out more.
If you are about to sell your house, you might be worried about preparing the property and getting everything just right before going ahead. But how many jobs can you add to your to-do list before it becomes a procrastination? This article aims to help you narrow your tasks and prepare your home for sale.
If you are planning to sell your home in 2024, you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks that are involved in the process. It can be tricky to decipher what you should be doing and when. This article is your go-to guide for how to get started.